Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year~New Foundation

Hot Coco & Teddy Grahams, breakfast of champs! Wednesday's here & January 1st marks the New Year. 2011! Tis the season for Resolutions & goals :)  

Last night at Godly Gossip Group, we talked about "behind the scenes".  The movie we star in daily, which is called "Life". GOD is the producer, executive producer, screenwriter, etc...Before our movie started though, He had a Blueprint,the dialogue & events that would take place throughout the entire process.

When GOD created us, He gave us everything we needed to live in this world.  It was & is up to us to create the inward temple to go along with the outward temple that He specifically constructed. We have the blueprint (The Bible), now we need to create a foundation that can be built upon. Just as a movie needs a script,which is the foundation of the end product, we need the blueprint. His word is the foundation of our life. The Bible is the blueprint! If we do not construct a sturdy foundation, under pressure it is liable to crack or even be destroyed. Can we rebuild? Yes! God is a forgiving God & will help us when we surrender to Him.  Sometimes our temple has to be torn down & rebuilt more times than we want, to teach us the value & meaning of a "Rock Hard Foundation."

Our Mind, Body, & Soul are the core of this foundation. If HE does not dwell in these 3 things, then our house is like the 2 houses of the pigs that the wolf blew down. Don't make your house out of straw & sticks. Take your time & construct an indestructible work of art that the devil couldn't phase with his biggest army!! "If put to the test, would your foundation crumble?"- Pastor Vera

My New Years Resolution: Create a Foundation that God would be proud of & make my life a movie that He never gets tired of watching...

Spread the Gospel not Gossip!
GOD is good today, tomorrow, & Foreverr!

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