Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Freestyle on Fear...

Good day :) For the sake of my relationship with GOD & my faithful readers, I have to be honest...This started off as a day of uncertainty but Thanks to a good friend yesterday, I have made peace with the unknown & now I'm ready to blog today.  For some that might sound a little confusing but if you know me, then you know that I tend to be that way from time to time.  Back to uncertainty, I wasn't sure what GOD wanted me to bring today & so I put off blogging for the first part of the morning which left me feeling uncertain if I was going to write at all.  Well as you can tell, HE blessed me with a Topic & so I have decided to freestyle write & share my thoughts....

When I speak of uncertainty, the first word that I think of is Fear.  For some that may not be the case but for whatever reason it is for me.  Fear has been a part of our human life from the day we were born.  It's almost as if we can't live without it sometimes or maybe all the time. Before I committed to making a change in me, I had to let go of the fear of failing.  You see if you are predicting failure before the succeeding process begins, the inevitable is going to happen. You have already spoken it into existence, so in your mind you believe that the outcome is Certain.  Anyhow, I was very Uncertain as to what my future held but I knew that it couldn't be what I had previously endured.  All the pain, drama, addiction, self-affliction, & insanity that I had let destroy my spirit could no longer be a part of what I wanted. For so long those things became comforting to me that I didn't find Certainty in anything else. GOD existed & I knew HE was real but where was HE, was the thought I had.  I shared that to say this....All the certainty I felt was damaging my mind, body & soul.  I knew exactly what I was doing & how all those bad things would make me feel. So in other words, I knew what the outcome was every time, It was Certain!

These days I have embraced the Uncertain.  Some days, I find myself needing to control every move so that I feel Certain.  Then I have an "intellectual conversation" from a good friend & I am reminded that Uncertainty is beautiful!!!  What fun would life be if we knew everything that was going to happen, when it happened & where it was going to happen. BORING!!! GOD is the only one who can be entertained by that because HE is up there watching what our reaction is going to be & how we are going to handle situations.  HE has designed us to walk by Faith not by sight!! Of course it is scary to think of "what could happen" or "what if" but we can't live in fear all of our lives.  There is nothing to fear but fear itself!!!

I know that I am not the only person in the world that has felt or feels the issues I address, which is why I continue to do what I do.  GOD uses me to help others, I believe.  Sometimes, I don't have all the right answers when helping but I do have the right Faith. It is because GOD has filled my cup & lets it overflow with LOVE.  The Uncertain should be a reminder of the adventures that life has for us.  Like I've said before, Our life is our own movie.  We don't want GOD to watch a story full of fear & no Acton or self-destruction.  Our movie should be full of action & Uncertainty! GOOD action might I add :) We have the ability to change circumstances, HE has the ability to allow it.  Praise GOD we can live in a crazy world but be Certain that HE will do what HE says HE will do & enjoy the Uncertainty that only HE knows.  Life is beautiful, don't make a mess out of it.

A Prayer that helps when the fear of Uncertainty may arise:

" GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can & wisdom to know the difference.."
"Living one day at a time;Enjoying one moment at a time;Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy inthis life & supremely happy with HIM..Forever in the next." AMEN 

A special Thank You to my friend M.M. Yesterday was a day I needed to just say some things & He put those things into perspective. Thank YOU Jesus for putting great people in my path.

GOD is good today tomorrow & foreverr......

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